How to create Ad Hoc Reports

Ad Hoc reports are located in the Reports tab and offer the most customization options for your own reporting needs. These reports can then also be exported as a Excel file where you could do even more with it once in Excel

Creating a Report

To create a report. Click on the Report Tab. 

Then In Ad Hoc Reports, click on the plus icon on the top middle to add a new report.

ad hoc reports

There are 4 main report types:
1. Customer Reports

2. Schedule Reports

3. Financial Reports

4. Inventory Reports.

Each report type has different options to select from when creating your report. 

How to create a Customer Report 

For this report, we will be creating a customer based report that will include the customer name, addresses listed for that customer, address type, and all contacts listed for this customer.

Step 1. Click Add Report > Click on the Customer folder > Select Customer Report type > Click Add.

customer report

Step 2. This will take us into the Report Customization View

In the Report Customization View, there are 2 sections,

1. The Filter section which narrows your search results

2. The Column section which will show as your search results in the report.

report customization view

On the left side column there are fields to select from to Filters or Columns to build your report.

The Customer report by default searches by customer creation date, so if you are wanting this report to show all customers from when you started Razorsync, change the Date Range to Custom. Then select the start date to be the day your started Razorsync or around that start date.

Step 3.

For this report we will be adding the fields of: Address Apt, Suite, Address City, Address State, Address Street, Address Type, Address Zip. Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone, Contact Type. Customer Display Name, Customer Number.

customization view

Drag these fields from the left side to the Column section. Remember to set you customer creation date to custom and run for the appropriate time range.

          ***Columns can also be re-arranged by dragging them in the bottom section from left to right. 

Step 4. Click Save Report at the top.

*Reports do require a name and description to save.

report savings option

Now this report will be available to run at any time in the Ad Hoc report section.

TIP: This customer based report is a great to use for email marketing campaigns. Simply add the "Bill To Contact Email", then export this report as a excel file to upload into your marketing application. 

Work Order Report with Service Items

For this report, we will be creating a work order based report that will include the customer number, the work order number, and the service items that were added to the work order.

Step 1. Click on Add Report then Click on the Schedule folder and select Work Order Report type. Then Click on Add.

work order

Step 2. This will take us into the Report Customization View

Step 3. Let change the Filter Search by Work order Creation Date to Work Order Schedule date to view jobs by when they are scheduled. Unless you would like to view jobs when they are created by.

customize filter

Step 4. Add the appropriate fields from the left side column to the bottom results column section to create the report. We are adding the fields of Customer Number, Service Item Name, Service Item Price, Service Item Quantity, and Work Order Number.

customize reports

Step 5. Click on Save.

Then this report will be available to run in the future under Ad Hoc Reports.

Invoice Report 

For this report, we will be creating a Financial  based report for Invoices that will include the Invoice number, the Invoice Create Date, the Customer Display Name, the Invoice total, Invoice Balance.

Step 1. Click on Add Report then Click on the Financial folder and select Invoice Report type. Then Click on Add.

invoice report type

Step 2. This will take us into the Report Customization View

report customization view

Step 3. Add the appropriate fields from the left side column to the bottom results column section to create the report. We are adding the fields of Customer Display Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Create Date, Invoice Total, and Invoice Balance.


Step 4. We have also set the Search by to search for Invoice created in the Last 30 days. But you could set that to Custom and then set a specific Date Range. 

specific date view

Step 5. Click on Save.

Then this report will be available to run in the future under Ad Hoc Reports.

Running a Report

Once a report is created, it will be available in your Ad Hoc Reports. Click on the name of the report to load it up.  Select your Date Range.  Click on Run to load the report results.  Then if you would like to export the results as a Excel file to do more with it. Click on Export Data Only.  

export data

Advanced Options

Ad Hoc reports also have 2 advanced features. 

advanced options

A Calculated Column, which allows you to create a calculated formula for  a Column. For example, Service Item Price * Quantity, to give you a Service Item Total. 

Sum Fields, this allows you to take the total or Sum for a column and also the option to do subtotal for a specific field. For example you could to  a total for the Invoice Amount column and then do Subtotal by Customer. 


To create a calculated column.  Click on the Calculate button. Then select the fields you want to have and the mathematical operators you would like in your formula. Click on Add to save.

calculated column

To create a Sum of a column.  Click on the Sum button.  Then click on the fields that you would like to have a total for.  It will be highlighted in green when enabled. Then if you would like to group this by a subtotal of another value, click on the Subtotal option and the value you would like to do this by.  For this example we did a subtotal by Customer Display Name.  Click on Add to save. sum of a column


Remember Razorsync Customer Support is always available to assist in you reporting needs!