Export Invoices to QuickBooks Online

Send your RazorSync Invoices to QuickBooks Online with a few simple steps!

One of the major benefits of integrating your RazorSync and QuickBooks Online accounts is time saving.  You can easily send your Invoices (and Payments) from RazorSync to QuickBooks, eliminating the trouble of having to recreate them manually in QuickBooks!

  • Navigate to the Invoices page on the menu bar on the left side of the screen.
  • Once you are there, make sure to stay on the Invoices tab as there are 4 options at the top of the page.

In the “Search for Invoices” section, adjust the date range for the Invoices you want to export to QuickBooks Online, and hit the Search button.

This date range can be adjusted however you need; i.e. several months prior, from the first of the month through today’s date, one day’s worth of invoices, etc.

For reference, the system will show you the date that the last time an export was performed.

The Search results will show you a list of Invoices, with the Invoice #, Customer Display Name, Invoice Date, Due Date, Total, Balance, Invoice format, and QuickBooks export status.

Off to the far right, you can click the box at the top to select all invoices, or you can click on the box next to the invoice if there are only specific invoices you wish to export.

Then hit the Export to QuickBooks Online button.

Your RazorSync Payments will also send to QuickBooks Online along with the Invoice at the time of the export, or if the Invoice has already been exported, as soon as you apply the Payment in RazorSync, the Payment will instantly send to QuickBooks!

When the export is done, make sure that your Invoices were submitted successfully, as well as any new Customers or Service Items you are exporting to QuickBooks along with the Invoice.

If you receive any errors when exporting, please contact our Customer Support Team! You will not be able to export any further information to QuickBooks until the error message is resolved.

Phone: 877-675-4395 ext. 2

Email: support@razorsync.com


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