Mobile App Settings

Adjust your App Settings with regards to location, camera, notifications, and more...

iOS & Android

Navigate to your Device Settings (not within RazorSync), and scroll down to your RazorSync mobile app.  Within these settings, you can adjust:

Location - Allows RazorSync to find the location of the device and display that information on your RazorSync map page.  This setting is also visible directly within the RazorSync mobile app under More > Location Tracking.  *If a user has disabled location tracking, you will not see their location on your RazorSync map.

Contacts - This is only necessary if you would like to import your phone contacts into RazorSync as Customers.

Camera - This is necessary if mobile users intend to add pictures to Work Orders.

Notifications - If you have allowed in-app push notifications, you'll receive alerts when new data is added to RazorSync.  If badge icons are enabled, you'll also see a red circle on your app which indicates how many new items have not been viewed.

*This does not relate to Email/SMS notifications found in user profiles.  If Email/SMS is enabled as a notification preference, those users will receive email/SMS notifications in addition to push notifications (if enabled).