QuickBooks Online Integration (Preferred)

Integrating with QuickBooks Online

*As of Spring 2023 Intuit will be discontinuing service on QuickBooks Desktop

  • For more info visit Intuit's website HERE

Settings > QuickBooks

If QuickBooks does not appear as an option, navigate to Settings > Account Payment > select QuickBooks Integration to be available in your RazorSync account.


Connect with QuickBooks Online

Click the [Connect to QuickBooks] button within the QuickBooks Online option.  You'll see a prompt to connect:


Proceed with connecting to QuickBooks Online:

Once connected, your RazorSync account will show as connected to QuickBooks Online:


Export Settings

'Deposit To' Account Name - All RazorSync payments will export to this account in QuickBooks.

Default Class Name - All RazorSync Invoices will export to QuickBooks as this class.

Export Addresses as Sub-Customers only if an Address Name is specified - If you use Sub-Customers in QuickBooks, be sure to check this box so that RazorSync exports to QuickBooks Sub-Customers as well.  You will need to enter an Address Name for each Service Address, and that Address Name is used to name the QuickBooks Sub-Customer.

Export Service Requests As Jobs - Uses the RazorSync Service Request Summary to create a Job in QuickBooks, which is a singular job/invoice under a QuickBooks Sub-Customer.

To Be Printed - Checks the "Print Later" checkbox found on QuickBooks Online invoices under 'Print or Preview'

Enable the "Send Later" option for Invoices in QuickBooks id Customer email is provided - Checks the "Send Later" box a the top of your QuickBooks invoices, and fills in an email address if your RazorSync Bill/Send To contact has an email address.

RazorSync Invoice Number as QuickBooks Invoice Number - When enabled, all RazorSync Invoice #'s will be used as the QuickBooks Invoice #'s when invoices are exported to QuickBooks.  When disabled, QuickBooks will disregard the RazorSync Invoice # and assign the next available Invoice # to the invoice as it is sent to QuickBooks.

RazorSync Payment Number as QuickBooks Payment Number - When enabled, all RazorSync Payment #'s will be used as the QuickBooks Payment #'s when payments are exported to QuickBooks.  When disabled, QuickBooks will disregard the RazorSync Payment # and assign the next available Payment # to the payment as it is sent to QuickBooks.

RazorSync 'Quote' Number as QuickBooks Estimate Number - When enabled, all RazorSync Quote #'s will be used as the QuickBooks Quote #'s when quotes are exported to QuickBooks.  When disabled, QuickBooks will disregard the RazorSync Quote # and assign the next available Quote # to the quote as it is sent to QuickBooks.

Advanced Field Mapping (Optional) - QuickBooks Online allows for 3 custom fields to appear on QuickBooks Invoices.  These can be customized in your QuickBooks Settings.  Once customized, you may select certain RazorSync fields to map directly to one of the three QuickBooks Custom Fields.


*Switching QuickBooks Versions

When switching from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online, or vice versa, you'll now see a prompt to contact RazorSync Support.

*It is very important that you contact us prior to switching QuickBooks versions, as we'll need to perform a step on our end to ensure information will sync with the correct QuickBooks account moving forward.


RazorSync Support

(877) 675-4395
