Service Forms

Create checklists for technicians to use in the field

Settings > Service Forms


Create a New Form

Service Forms

Click the [+] symbol to create a new form.

Razorsync add service form screenshot

Give the form a name and description.  Be sure to leave it set to Active to ensure it is available for use.  Setting the form as a Default form will automatically add this form to all newly created Work Orders.

Razorsync service form equipment type highlighted

Click the [+] symbol to add a new field to the form, which will display on the right side of the page under Details. 

Razorsync details edit field required field selcted

There are several different field types, such as:

Text - Open text box that accepts alphanumeric characters.

Number - Allows for numbers only, including decimals.

Date - Date only.

Time - Time only.

List - Create a list of selections, where only 1 selection can be made, similar to multiple choice.

Multi-List - Similar to List, but allows for multiple selections in one field.

Attachment - Pictures via the mobile app, other file types when uploading from the browser.

Signature - Allows for signature attachments only.

*Note: You can also make certain fields required. Next, disable the Workflow setting that states "User can set Work Order or Task status to "Complete" without completing Service Forms", so that technicians MUST fill out required Service Form fields prior to changing their Work Order status to Complete.  This will help ensure your technicians are gathering the appropriate information while onsite with customers.

Label - This will appear as the title for the field that information is being gathered for.

Value - Set a value that appears in this field by default, or leave it blank for techs to fill in.


Duplicate a Service Form

New in Version 7 is the ability to duplicate (clone) a Service Form.  This feature was implemented for a few reasons:

1. Editing existing form fields can cause issues with reporting.  For example, if you've been using a particular form for a year and then need to remove certain fields from the form, your reports will not pick up on the data that was previously in the form.  Creating a new form would be recommended in this scenario.  Be sure to deactivate the old form if the intention is to replace this form with an updated form.

2. If you intend to have multiple forms with similar fields, you may simply duplicate the form and proceed with making changes to the new form to make it unique.


Where are Service Forms added?

Service Forms can be added to:

Work Orders - Attach forms to Work Orders when additional information is needed.  Using a Service Form will be more efficient for all users to fill in as opposed to typing information into the Invoice Memo or adding pictures/signatures to the Work Order Attachments.  Work Order Service Forms tend to include fields that vary from job to job.

Customers - Attaching Service Forms to customer profiles allows you to fill in additional information about the customer, specifically, in an organized format.  This is an alternative to using the Customer Description or Customer Notes fields.  You can also print the form in a PDF format.

Tasks - Create cleaning checklists or parts pickup forms for your staff to use in Tasks.