How to integrate QuickBooks with RazorSync?

Below are some suggestions to take into account before integrating your QuickBooks account with your RazorSync portal.

Before you integrate your QuickBooks account with RazorSync, it's best to take the time to clean up and edit some things to make the integration go smoother and for information to show up properly in both places.  Spending the time up front will make things run smoother.

QB Customer
QB Address
  1. Clean up your Customer info by:
    1. Put the information in the corresponding field
      i.e. First name in the First name field, Phone number in the Phone number field, etc...
    2. Fill in the correct address
    3. Capitalize words you want capitalized to help with readability
    4. Delete or Merge any duplicate customers
    5. Delete any unused or old Customers
  2.  Sub-Customers

    1. Consider using Sub-customers or not in QuickBooks.  If you use Sub-Customers, they can be imported into RazorSync as additional Addresses under the same customer

* If you don't have all the information filled in for a particular customer, we do have an option to Pre-Fill the missing information


    1. Clean up your "Products and Services" for your Service Item list in RazorSync.
      1. Update pricing and Descriptions of items
      2. Make them Taxable or non-Taxable
      3. Delete or Deactivate any unused Products
      4. Consider how they will look in RazorSync with Categories

    QB SI

    RS SI